(Two Part Phenolic Ester Binder System)


CERASET R-301 is a highly alkaline phenol formaldehyde resin cured by CERASET C-310 at ambient temperature. The process is also known as phenolic ester nobake or Alphaset process. The resin cures in two stages, in first stage partial curing takes place and in second stage when mould or core comes in contact with molten metal.

The CERASET R-301 offers high hot strength than any other process. The process is nitrogen and sulphur free.

CERASET R-301 Phenol Formaldehyde alkaline resin acts as a binder
CERASET C-310 Ester catalyst.
CERASET C-310 is available in three versions Slow, Medium and Fast. Type of
CERASET C-310 decides bench life and strip time.


CERASET R-301 along with CERASET C-310 is used for making sand moulds and cores for Steel, S.G.Iron, CI and non-ferrous castings. The process comparatively less sensitive towards sand quality.

The process offers excellent thorough cure and stripping properties from pattern. Easy release from pattern is because of two stage curing mechanism of the process.

CERASET can be used with fresh sand, reclaimed sand or olivine sand.

Physical Properties

COLOUR Reddish Brown Colourless to pale yellow
APPEARANCE Clear Liquid  Clear Liquid
SPECIFIC GRAVITY @30°C 1.20 – 1.30 1.05 – 1.15
VISCOSITY BY B4 CUP @30°C 25 - 50 second --
Shelf Life from the date of manufacture 2 months 6 months


  • Nitrogen and Sulphur free process.
  • High hot strength, no scab, veining.
  • Very less irritation while sand preparation.
  • No lustrous carbon generation.
  • Water washable resin.
  • Less susceptible to sand quality.
  • Ideal process for steel castings.

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) is Available on Request


Dry silica sand [AFS 50-70] 100 parts
CERASET R-301 1.5 - 2 % based on sand
CERASET C-310 20-25 % based on CERASET R-301

Sand mixing can be done in either batch or continuous mixer, but one should ensure for no free resin lumps in sand mix.

Mixing cycle:

Dry silica sand + CERASET C-310-- mix for 1-2 minutes

+ CERASET R-301 mix for 2 - 3 minutes.

These are typical mixing times, which can vary with speed and type of mixer.

Note:- Some times water 0.05 -0.2% addition needed to get the good properties when ambient temp. is high.

Bench Life- 5-20 minutes

Stripping Time– 20-60 minutes.

Strength Compressive (Resin-1.8% of sand, Catalyst-20% of Resin)

Time Strength in kg/cm2
1 Hr 5-8
4 Hr 8-16
24 Hr >20

Strength will vary with quality of sand and ambient atmospheric conditions.

Mould & Core Wash:We recommend water / alcohol base refractory wash.

Shelf Life

  • CERASET R-301 – 2 months from date of manufacturing
  • CERASET C-310 – 6 months from date of manufacturing

Standard Packing

  • CERASET R-301 – 200/225 kg MS drums.
  • CERASET C-310 – 25 /200 kg MS drums.

Storage & Handling

CERASET R-301 and CERASET C-310 should stored separately, away from direct source of heat, moisture and under roof at below 30°C.

Never mix CERASET R-301 and CERASET C-310 together in a container, without sand. Direct mixing of CERASET R-301 and CERASET C-310 cause violent exothermic reaction.

Handle CERASET R-301 and CERASET C-310 with proper care by using safety tools like chemical resistance hand gloves, safety goggles.

Our Products

We offer a wide range of foundry products and services to meet the requirements of iron, steel and non-ferrous
foundries to help them to reduce defects, improve casting quality and optimise production costs.